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BIPLANAR Chains in special “FAST” resin ZERO GAP

In need of roller chains for friction-free and gap-free transport? Here are the new ZERO GAP EF 1710 biplanar chains in special "FAST" resin. Reduced lateral and dorsal curvature radii.

Zero Gap, no open areas even when curved, a pitch of 50 mm, a very low weight per linear metre, low noise, and excellent average working load.

These are the main features of the new REGINA biplanar chain in blue acetal resin "FAST" that we can supply CUSTOMIZED and ready for installation (see our CUSTOM service ››)

Technical Specifications:

- Lateral curvature radius: 125 mm
- Dorsal curvature radius: 63.5 mm
- Shutter width: 55 mm
- Average working load: 270 daN
- Net weight per metre: 1.53 kg


- The lightness of these chains, compared to metal ones, facilitates movement and reduces noise.
- The construction material makes these chains smoother and more abrasion-resistant. They are easy to clean and therefore require less maintenance.

Recommended Application Sectors:

- Food
- Pharmaceutical
- Bottling
- Paper converting

For further information: alessandrozola@franciacatene.it
Contact us for any request or advice. We are at your service: info@franciacatene.it